Home Stagers on local TV Broadcasts in Portland, OR


Angelica Thornton, news anchor at KATU Channel 2 in Portland OR (ABC affiliate) contacted me to ask if my company, Room Solutions Staging would like to participate in a news feature story on Home Staging and how it can help sell a home faster in this slower real estate market. This news story aired on the 5:00pm news Monday, July 30th.  The purpose of the news story was to make home sellers aware of what home staging is, and to show them a few easy tips.

KATU channel 2 Portland OR Room Solutions Staging with KATU News Anchor Angelica Thornton Portland Room Solutions Home Staging Portland and KATU News anchor Angelica Thornton Portland OR

HERE’S THE LINK: http://www.roomsolutions.com/portland-home-staging-news.html

They filmed us staging two properties ~ the first one was an Occupied home already on the market. Interest in this home picked up considerably after staging, and it SOLD soon after.

The second project was a Vacant home, staged before it was listed.  In this segment, the homeowner was interviewed about his reaction to the staging process. He received a full price offer just days after staging!

UPDATE:  On August 2, another local TV show (AM Northwest, the morning general topic interview show following ABC’s Good Morning America) did a segment on home staging and replayed the same news feature story, with different commentary from the co-hosts ~ so staging received more exposure for public awareness.

AM Northwest KATU

Although it was exciting to have been asked to participate in this project, hopefully the benefit to homeowners and agents will be an informative one….those who aren’t aware of staging may now look into it.  One of the things we all do is EDUCATE the public about the benefits of home staging…..let’s continue to get the word out that staging works!

Room Solutions Staging LLC is based in Portland OR and offers home staging services to homeowners, realtors, and investors.  Give us a call at 503-246-1800 so we can help you sell your home faster and for maximum profit!

room solutions home staging portland OR Room Solutions Staging with KATU News Team Portland OR Room Solutions Home Staging Portland OR